
Have household help paid for by the health insurance company

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If you have statutory health insurance and are temporarily unable to care for yourself due to illness or after an operation, you are entitled to help with household chores. Here you can find out how to apply for household help.

The most important thing in brief:

  • The entitlement exists in the case of serious illness and in particular after treatment in hospital.
  • The prerequisite is that you do not have anyone living with you in the household who can care for you or run the household.
  • Assistance is usually provided for a maximum of 4 weeks per illness episode. 
  • If there are children under 12 years of age or disabled children living in the household who are in need of assistance, the costs of a household helper can be covered for up to 26 weeks. You must also make statutory co-payments. 
  • You can decide for yourself whether you want to get help from a professional or ask relatives or friends for help.

What tasks does a household helper take on?

The extent to which health insurance companies pay for household help depends on what you can still do yourself or what you need the help of others for. If household help is approved, they will do all the things that arise:

  • To make the laundry,
  • cleaning the apartment,
  • prepare meals,
  • Doing shopping and errands and
  • look after and supervise the children.

Where do I apply for household help?

You can apply in writing to your health insurance company for a service worker to help you in the household. The completed form must be accompanied by a certificate of necessity from the treating doctor , which lists the diagnosis and the resulting impairments. The doctor’s office must also state in the form:

  • when help is needed,
  • for how long and
  • to what extent assistance should be provided.

To ensure that your care runs smoothly, it is best to submit your application while you are still in hospital.

How long can I have household help? 

Child in need of assistance or with a disability in the householdSick without needy children in the household

Can I choose a household helper?

You can freely choose a suitable domestic helper from a welfare association, nursing service or local service provider. Health insurance companies are obliged to advise you when applying for domestic help.

Therefore, when you submit your application, ask your health insurance company about suitable providers and their contact details. In addition, the health insurance company will also make initial contact if requested and inquire about free capacity in advance.

It is also possible to entrust a trusted person with the management of the household.

How much does a household helper cost? Do I have to contribute to the costs?

In 2022, health insurance companies will pay 10.25 euros per hour for a self-organized replacement worker . In principle, all costs of household help that arise from the use of services can be reimbursed by health insurance companies. However, the reimbursement is limited to a certain amount and number of hours. As a rule, an 8-hour assignment per day is considered appropriate. For an 8-hour day, this means 82 euros.

What constitutes a “reasonable number of hours” must be decided on a case-by-case basis. This takes into account how many children in the household need to be looked after, the age of the children, and whether you are a single parent. This may mean that you need to work more than eight hours a day. It is best to clarify all of these points with your health insurance company.

For neighbors or friends, the hourly wage is a small recognition for their active commitment. Close relatives or spouses only receive the financial injection from the health insurance company if they can prove that they have lost earnings or travel costs.

However, it may also be the case that the health insurance company covers the costs of a household helper that exceed the legal limits. It is best to ask your health insurance company beforehand.

Good to know: If you rely on a professional household helper, it is important that the health insurance company always concludes a contract directly with the specialist. In this case, the replacement worker or the facility will settle the costs directly with the responsible health insurance company. This way you can avoid being left with part of the costs.

However, you still have to contribute something, namely 10 percent of the costs. This equates to a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 10 euros. If home care is already provided through the benefits of the nursing care insurance , there is no additional household help. However, a personal contribution (co-payment) of 10 percent of the costs is obligatory, but at least 5 and a maximum of 10 euros per day. This only applies in the case of pregnancy or childbirth.

Rico Longs

I am Rico Long, an insurance specialist with 15 years of experience in car, home, and life insurance. I provide expert guidance on policy selection, risk assessment, and claims to ensure my clients get the best coverage. Known for my transparency and personalized service, I help individuals and families secure their financial future with confidence.

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